Rover robot

Basic two-wheel robot built with EDUBOX kit

Rover Robot is the most basic construction that you can build with our EDUBOX kit. Rover is a base for most of other robot constructions such as obstacle avoidance, light following, painting, controlling over bluetooth , etc.

Parts list

  • LOFI Brain controller
  • Powerbank
  • Pair of DC geared motors with wheels
  • Set of wooden parts
  • Distance sensor – HC-SR04


Wooden parts design files for lasercutting out of 3mm birch plywood.

Assembly manual

1. Attach DC motor to the rover side parts with a help of grip blocks. Pay attention to making both of the motors in mirrored arrangement.


2. Attach LOFI Brain Arduino controller to the top element of the rover main body. Side with usb ports is the back of our vechicle.


3. Assamble the grip for HC-SR04 distance sensor.


4. Attach distance sensor grip to the fron panel of vehicle body.


5. Mount the rotating wheel at the bottom-back face of the vehicle body and compose side top and bottom parts of the vehicle body together. DC motor cables move outside of the body over the bolts holes at the top part of the body.


6. At the front of the vehicle body mount the part with distance sensor. At the back of the vehicle mount the powerbank with its grip.


7. Mount the wheels at the DC motors shafts.


Your rover robot construction is finished!

Connecting electronic parts

1. Connect DC motors cables to M1 and M2 ports on LOFI Brain controller.
2. Connect distance sensor to its port on the LOFI Brain controller with a 4-wire male-female cable. Pay attention to connecting approperiate sensor pins together (VCC-5V, TRIG, ECHO, GND) as marked on the sensor and LOFI Brain board.

What is next?

1. Build obstacle avoiding robot.

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