Shuffle robot

Assembly manual

BUILDING TIME – 20 minutes if you start from the beginning, 10 minutes if you are modifying another CODEBOX Starter construction.

1. Prepare parts for distance sensor holder.

2. Put the distance sensor in the holder (pay attention not to damage the net covers of probes, do not press them with your fingers). Attach three distance pieces to the bottom of sensor holder, join it together with two 20mm screws. By now leave the middle hole empty we will use it to attach distance sensor to another element.

3. Prepare the parts to assemble the servo motor.

4. Put the square motor holder (the one with a small indentation) on the bottom of the servo motor.

PAY ATTENTION – tear down the stickers from the servo motor before putting it in the wooden holder

5. Put the seccond square holder on the top of servo motor.

6. Attach the motor to the top side of the main body. Pay attention to direct the motor shaft closer to the edge of the bigger piece (differently than in other constructions)

7. Prepare the rest four pieces of the robot body.

8. Assemble four parts of the robot body together. Put the robot “neck” on top.

9. On the bottom of the robot body mount the part with a servo motor.

10. Prepare parts for the shuffle robot leg.

11. Put the servo horn in a wooden holder piece.

11. Screw servo horn with it`s holder at the center of the robot leg.

12. Attach the leg to the servo motor shaft. Secure it with a M2 screw. REMEMBER to set the servo to middle position before (connect LOFI Brain to LOFI Blocks app and set servo to 50)

13. Mount the distance sensor on the top of the robot`s neck.

13. Z tyłu korpusu zamocuj sterownik LOFI Brain. Silnik serwo podłącz do OUTPUT1, czujnik odległości podłącz do złącza DISTANCE.

14. At the back of the robot body install the LOFI Brain controller. Connect the servo motor to OUTPUT1 and the distance sensor to it`s dedicated input socket.

15. If during walking our shuffle robot falls on it`s back we can improve it`s construction. Put a long screw at the bottom of the LOFI Brain controller for stabilisation. Attach two short screws to the sides of the robot`s leg to give it more grip.

Connecting electronic modules

1. Connect distance sensor with it`s 4-wire cable to the dedicated port on LOFI Brain controller labeled DISTANCE. This port is polarised so the plug has to be set in the right direction – put the blue wire on the side of M1 socket and the red wire on the side of INPUT4 socket.
2. Connect the servo motor to OUTPUT1

Construction of the shuffle robot is ready!


What can we do with this robot? Lets teach him how to walk.
Open lesson.